22nd Annual NASC
Sportsman-Legislator Summit
Charlie Booher
Watershed Results
Charlie Booher [BOO-ker] is a Consultant at Watershed Results who is an expert in natural resource conflict resolution. He gathers diverse interests, identifies the source of the problem, and supports the discovery of amicable paths forward. Charlie is dedicated to building a better world for people and for wildlife through coalition building and strategic advocacy at all levels of government. Charlie previously served in communications and government relations roles for The Wildlife Society, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, and Michigan United Conservation Clubs. He worked in the Executive Office of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department on translating research findings into better governance and was a Boone and Crockett Club Wildlife Conservation Fellow at the University of Montana. Charlie holds undergraduate degrees in fisheries & wildlife conservation and public policy from Michigan State University and graduate degrees in wildlife biology, public administration, and natural resource conflict resolution from the University of Montana. Charlie is an Associate Wildlife Biologist ©. Outside of the office, you can find him hiking in the mountains of Western Montana and re-learning how to hunt and fish in the Northern Rockies.