22nd Annual NASC
Sportsman-Legislator Summit
Jason Wisniewski
Fur Takers of America
Jason Wisniewski is president of the Fur Takers of America. A life-long hunter and angler, Jason began trapping during college while earning his bachelor’s degree in biology in his native state of Pennsylvania. Jason earned his master’s degree in wildlife biology at Tennessee Tech University and has served as an aquatic ecologist specializing in freshwater mussel conservation where he has been responsible for the management and recovery activities of over 65 federally endangered species throughout the southeastern US. Through his career, Jason has become keenly aware of the need for furbearer and predator management as it relates to ecosystem management including public health, reduction in human-wildlife conflicts, and the conservation of both endangered and game species. Jason resides in Piedmont, Alabama with his wife Jenifer and daughter Jo Liz who both share a passion for trapping, hunting, and fishing.